italcanna ice

the Sparviero SPORT from Italcanna covers the need for two-piece rods for surf casting with shared action, suitable for power casting in fishing therefore easy to use, usable both by fishermen with technical experience of medium and advanced casting. The Sparviero Sport is a tool completely aimed at fishing with a non-exasperated action, able to adapt to the fisherman and not vice versa. Structurally it is made up of two symmetrical pieces, with a small diameter of about 21mm. to the reel seat and which under dynamic load draw a perfect C curve, however detecting a short and extremely sensitive dead tip. Precisely for these characteristics it lends itself to being underestimated as it is light, thin and with a fairly yielding stock, but the goodness of the carbon and the perfect scaling of the bow make the response fast and pleasant, it does not nail, forgive a not perfect launch, it is docile , but the return is instantaneous, almost unexpected at the even violent closure. On the peg it is regal, the very sensitive top bows to the waves just enough not to move the ballast, but the fused petticoat at the arch make it sufficiently ready to handle spikes and sanded pyramids. The top signals the slightest touch with clarity, it is difficult not to notice a customer feasting on the other end of the line, even if small in size. The recovery of a prey generates new sensations, the tip supports the escape attempts in an incredible way, but the control of the major prey passes to the underside that does not joke ... The Sparviero Sport is aggressive and ready, leaving the same sensitivity at the tip and is particularly aimed at 150g + bait. In general we can say that the Sparrowhawk represents a return of the two pieces to the world of fishing.



The Italcanna Sparviero covers the need for a two-piece rod, with split action, suitable for power launches in fishing and therefore easy to use, suitable for both medium and advanced users. It is a tool completely dedicated to fishing with a non exasperated action, able to adapt to the fisherman and not the other way round. Structurally it is a two-piece symmetric, with a small diameter, about 21mm at the reel seat which, under dynamic load, draws a perfect C curve, however detecting a short and extremely sensitive dead tip. The rod lends itself to being underestimated as it is light, thin and with a fairly yielding stock, but the goodness of the carbon and the perfect scaling of the bow make the response fast and pleasant. It does not nail, it forgives a not perfect launch, it is docile, but the return is instantaneous, almost unexpected at the closing, even violent. On the picket it is regal, the very sensitive top bows to the waves just enough to not move the ballast, but the arched sub-top makes it sufficiently ready to handle spikes and sanded pyramids. The top indicates the minimum touches clearly, it is difficult not to notice a customer feasting on the other end of the line, even if small. The recovery of a prey generates new sensations, the top favors in an incredible way the escape attempts, but the control of the bigger preys passes to the sub-top that is not kidding ... The rod handles well from 100g. to 175g. of ballast, with an optimum of 125 - 150g. plus bait depending on the type of launch, liking the fishing commuter and the off the ground even in an extended configuration for maximum distances. Let's say that this tool represents a return of the two pieces to the world of fishing. As standard mounted by rotary with Coaster Clips, and on request with Reel Seat. Leaving other fields to launch fields and extreme casting techniques, we regain possession of the joy of a rod suitable for the advanced user who wants to have fun on the seashore struggling with waves or quieter situations but always with the awareness that for once, as in the old days, it is the rod that adapts to the launcher, not otherwise ...



New three pieces rods researches, design and development continues for Italcanna that is trying to always better combine power, sensibility and easy casting skills. We accepted the challenge to design a rod that was extremely easy to cast with in spite of the great butt power (similar to Vector C3) but with a tip diameter smaller than 2 mm . And more... that also was able to manage Ground castings. With this aim, after 7 prototypes, 10 months of designing (that still goes on for the new measures), strict tests and big efforts by our whole Team, the first VITIUM is born from the latin name here intented as "vice-sick for fishing..." All the models will be made with joint elements through the Italcanna patented REW-TAPER system to guarantee stability and endurance and realized with at least 6 different materials smartly mixed together also including the 400Gpa high module. The ultra sensible tip panders waves motion and gives better visibility to the small fishes and higher stability in fishing. Nanocomposites resins are used to increase the general resistance. Action with precise power distribution carefully calculated with specific softwares for a maximum performance in casting. Inox steel frame rings and anti-friction and anti-wear material inside. Specifically CR 150: First model out in the market, total length of 4,50m. Usable for many casting techniques, its better expression tho is in ground with 125g (even if can handle 150g) and in side with 150g. In above it is suitable for all the weights but we suggest to use it at its maximum with 175g. As you can see this reflects the new Italcanna philospy to indicate not the maxium weights (sometimes misleading) but the optimal weight for the different casting styles. Excellent sensibility with the small fishes and in fighting with big ones. For sure a polyvalent rod for both amateurs and professionists. From May 2017 a new model will join the previous ones, a new Vitium 130g 4,94m long particularly suited for agonism but not only that. Light, powerful and easy is this new version, realized with high modulus carbon and Graphene in the central part. (for more info about Graphene we remind you of our presentation post on facebook at this link Graphene on facebook) The performances of this new model will be 'way beyond' every expectation...



One-piece rod in carbon strengthen microfibre with a great price/quality ratio, suitable for coast trolling with live bait. Available in 2/6 - 2/12 - 6/20 lbs and in two colours: metallic blue or pastel yellow. There are no technical differences between the two colors: they both have a progressive blank and a soft tip for exciting fights also with the smaller preys. Rings with stone on the inside, similar to SIC. Length and size around 210 cm (6.9 feet).



The first real three fishing pieces designed to make the most of both the Ground and the classic side above ... a line of rods aimed at the search for maximum distance ... The birth of the Dynamis project derives from the need to find the perfect combination of action that would allow a fast and powerful loading both with Ground style casts and traditional fishing casts. With this logic, after a meticulous research and careful collaboration with expert longcasting launchers, we have obtained unexpected results in this model. The Dynamis line is currently developed with two models: The FSH with sensitive tip (Match) is a powerful rod suitable for all types of casting, including ground up to 150g. or side in the range 100-175g. Its main feature is its great versatility of use, tip sensitivity and kick power. The OTG (Off The Ground) has an innovative action that, while not disdaining other types of launches, is aimed at the ground, with which it expresses itself best with leads in the range between 120 and 170g. as demonstrated by the excellent results obtained also in the longcasting field, while with side or above casts the OTG version can be used with a range of 140-250g. With the OTG used in launches from the platform it is possible to assume a few meters more than the FSH model, but with traditional launches these results could be reversed. The FSH is therefore decidedly more versatile and aimed at fishing also thanks to the greater sensitivity, while maintaining almost unchanged distance performance. Both models are made of high modulus carbon and other materials, in three slightly asymmetrical sections, with lengths determined by very specific choices that lead to the best expression of their remarkable power. The OTG model has a length of 4.38m. total while the FSH is 4.50m long. Stable and safe couplings with the exclusive Italcanna reverse taper system to guarantee countless changes. Fuji reel seat, terminal neoprene handle and soft-touch paint to improve grip on the left hand, while an anti-grip paint has been used on the couplings to facilitate the disassembly of the elements even with wet hands. Action 0.91 for the OTG model and action 0.75 for the FSH version.